It was as if you were here
beside me your silhouette.
That dream was mine.
A Utopian fantasy it was.

Your aura; struck me like lightning to a tree.
Radiant, like the sun, you shimmered.
So bright, yet not shining as moon would,
Yet you were apparent as in on a blouse.
You wouldn't boast like a planet.
Yet you did burn so hot, so fiercely, so explosively -
you were a star in my eyes.

But like all stars, you died.
You slowly showed your last shine.
Gravity no longer held us together.
The air was cloudless dry
and I began to choke.
My star disappeared - like a wife widows her husband
Then i was orphaned- I did not know what was happening.
Dazed. Confused. Without consciousness, I there lie.

before i had time to think,

i woke up and realized,

the end of your world only marked the beginning of my own.

Then end of your world only created the beginning of mine.

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